Wednesday, February 11, 2009

An introduction...

My name is Rachel, and as of this Monday, February 9, 2009, I am an unemployed graphic designer.

I've created this blog after a suggestion from my wonderfully supportive boyfriend who thinks that keeping a journal during my unemployment might be interesting or helpful to others in the same situation. I know that I am not unique, considering the tanking economy and sky-rocketing unemployment rates, but I will of course go through my own personal ups and downs for however long it takes me to find a new job. Each day, or at least as often as possible, I will write a blog entry detailing what I've done and how I feel as I pursue a new job.

I suppose a little background will help anyone reading this to understand my current cynicism at my situation.

I graduated from Kutztown University in May of 2007 with a Bachelor of the Fine Arts degree in Communication Design (aka, Graphic Design). I had a GPA of 3.45 overall, and a 3.49 in my major. In August of 2007, I landed my first job after months of searching. It was an (almost) full-time freelancing graphic design position with no benefits because the business was only made up of one man. Six months later, I was let go due to there no longer being enough work for the two of us. Then in May of 2008, I landed my second graphic design job with a somewhat larger design firm (we're talking about 10 employees). Four months later, the company was down to 5 employees, and I was laid off yet again due to not enough work. Luckily, it only took me three weeks to find my next job in October 2008. However, four months later, I was laid off for a third time in less than a year.

Needless to say, I am very frustrated at this point. I haven't had insurance long enough to use it since I graduated college 2 years ago, I never work long enough to get sick time or vacation time, and I can never get on top of my debt because the moment I have enough money to throw at the credit card, I get laid off and have to use the money so I don't lose my apartment or car. I did not keep a blog the first two times I was laid off, but now that I'm becoming a pro at being unemployed, why not?

They say misery loves company. If that's true, then read on. We're in for a long, uncomfortable ride...

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