Thursday, February 12, 2009

Day #3

I woke up today with the intent of getting things done...but by noon, I had lost my motivation.

I just didn't want to do anything at all. Oddly, I was also bored out of my skull and just wanted SOMETHING to do. Apparently, the things on my to-do list weren't good enough...

After surfing the net for a while and feeling useless (I did search and apply for 5 more jobs), I decided some time outside of the apartment would probably be good for me. This is another thing I've learned...being unemployed means feeling guilty if I go anywhere because that means spending money that I'm not replacing. Therefore, I sit in my apartment and go stir-crazy, which somehow leads to me not having motivation. How to avoid this? Make a point to get out whenever you can, even if it is just for a short walk to nowhere. I settled on walking down the the local coffee place for a hot beverage.

Once I returned, I finally decided to do something. I put on some loud music, rooted through a bunch of my photos, and decided to tweak a bunch of them and then post them to my deviantart site. Shortly after posting them, I received some nice feedback, and that made me feel worthwhile. I've decided to post the photos to the bottom of this entry, so check them out if you want to see what I did with my afternoon.

However, I just realized that the one thing I really wanted to do today I completely forgot about. Since I have my health insurance extended until the end of the month, I want to make a bunch of doctors appointments since who knows when I'll have insurance again. It's now 7 p.m. and I haven't done this...and I feel stupid and guilty. This major to-do will now go on a post-it and be stuck to the front of the computer so that I can't forget it tomorrow. I can research some places to go this weekend for an eye exam and glasses, so I guess something useful can still be accomplished before my day ends.

I'm hoping tomorrow I'm out of the no-motivation slump. I can't start that so early in the hasn't even been a full week yet.

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