Friday, February 13, 2009

Day #4

Tonight I am typing to you from the laptop belonging to my boyfriend. I kinda forgot to do my daily update while still at my place, but I figure no one will mind the location change.

Last night, I stayed up until 1 a.m. poking around on the internet. I wanted to stay up a bit later because I wasn't very tired and didn't want to end up waking up at the crack of dawn this morning. Unfortunately, I somehow ended up sleeping until noon...oops. Totally broke one of my own rules. Didn't end up feeling all unmotivated though, luckily.

As promised, I called around and made doctor's appointments...well, I made one. Couldn't get a hold of the dentist because they are apparently closed on Fridays, and making an appointment for the optometrist is just dumb until I find a place that has a pair of glasses I actually like (and that actually fit my little head). That is a goal for this weekend: find a place that has glasses I like so I can make a real appointment next week.

That was pretty much it for today, since I slept for so long...and spent the later part of the afternoon packing to spend the weekend at the boyfriend's place. Weekends with the boyfriend used to be a great way to temporarily escape my parents, then it was a way to shake off the work week, and now it is a way to get the hell out of the apartment. Anyhow, it's a way to regain some sanity after spending all week stuck in the apartment.

I was supposed to meet up with a chick who I'm doing some freelance for tonight...however, she had to cancel, so we're going to try again for next Friday. I can still work on her stuff in the meantime. I also have some freelance for a band's album artwork, which will be fun and a good distraction. Having these two bits of freelance will be good for me to 1. Have something to do with all my time, and 2. Bring in a little bit more money. I also received a check for my unused vacation time at my last job, which was nice. A free week's worth of pay! Woohoo!

Next week I should start hearing back from places I've applied to, if I hear back at all. So far, I've applied to or at least contacted about 10 places. I plan on digging up my old list of advertising and design agencies and mailing out my resume to them. Certainly won't hurt anything, even though I'm pretty sure none of them will be hiring. Before anyone yells at me for being pessimistic, stop: I'm being realistic. Go check out,, or craigslist...there is nothing out there for a graphic designer. I'm still trying though. I've even applied to jobs that aren't actually for a designer...a few were for marketing assistants and such.

That will be it for blogging date will be Monday, as my weekends are for relaxing, not job hunting. :)

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