Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Day #15

I did not write on Friday or Monday. I'm a horrible person, I know. You poor people that have been reading this are just dying to know what happened to those days!

Well, not a whole lot honestly.

I don't even remember what I did on Friday, so that tells you how exciting that day was. I believe I did some quick job searching, came up fruitless, worked on a little freelance, and then ran off to spend the weekend at the boyfriend's.

Monday was my dentist appointment. I only have two cavities: my old one that has a filling has apparently continued to decay, and there is one small new one. I'll be getting those both taken care of tomorrow (Wednesday). Not too bad, considering I haven't been to the dentist in over 5 years. I also researched a company a friend pointed me toward, and fixed up my cover letter and resume to send out to them. Towards the evening, I lost all motivation and ended up watching TV online. A friend called, and I ended up chatting with her for a bit.

Today, I mailed out bills and tax stuff, as well as the aforementioned cover letter and resume. I did another job search and applied to one place. Kind of sad that I only found one new place to send my information to...

Took some time to chill out and listen to music, ate some dinner, and then sat down to work on some more freelance stuff. That brings us to now, with me typing up this new blog post.

I think I've realized another reason why being unemployed is so god damned depressing for me. I rarely talk to ANYONE throughout my day. Today, I said maybe 10 words to the ladies who handle my parking fees, had a short conversation with my mother, and I chatted with the boyfriend for a half hour. Yesterday, I talked to the dentist, two friends, and my boyfriend. Most days, the only person I speak to all day is the boyfriend for a little in the evening. Sometimes I'll chat online with someone, but usually not, as I'm trying to not get distracted from things I'm supposed to be doing. Weekends are like a party for me, since I get to interact with more than a couple people for a few days.

I really need a job. Aside from the fact that I need the money to pay bills, I need the interaction to stay sane!

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