Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day #43

let's start with this:

Jobs applied to: 21
Responses: 7
Interviews: 5
Jobs offered: 2

yep, two jobs offered...and i accepted both! on top of the part-time freelance position that i mentioned last entry, i also got the customer service position. it's full-time seasonal, and it pays decently. there are even optional benefits. ironically, the first day is on my birthday. i've also been offered another part-time freelancing position, but i'm turning that down because i just don't have the time. another of my previous jobs called today to offer me some work as well, but again...no time. kinda strange considering that for about a month, i had no luck finding any work. all of a sudden, i'm slammed! regardless, it's nice to have money coming in again.

the part-time gig seems like it's going to work out quite nicely. the guy is looking to hire full-time eventually, so i have that to look forward to. in the meantime, working two jobs will allow me to catch up on all my bills in record time. still waiting on payment from a previous freelance job and my tax return...those two items should set me ahead nicely as well.

as of March 30th, i will have a full-time job. that will be day #49 of The Unemployed Graphic Designer blog. considering how that makes me technically employed, i suppose this blog is coming to it's end...of course, i'm not exactly doing full-time design at the moment, so i suppose the blog will be on more of a hiatus. i will update if and when any job news comes through (full-time design, etc).

to all the other unemployed souls out there, don't give up! keep looking! i know it seems hopeless sometimes, but somewhere out there is a job for you. it may not be exactly what you want to do, but there will be time to pursue your interests when the jobs come back. good luck and goodbye (for now)!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Day #36

i didn't update for a while again...i know...but i have a REALLY good excuse this time!

i've been absolutely buried in freelance and interviews! that's a legitimate excuse for not updating my unemployment blog, right? oh, and check this out:

Jobs applied to: 21
Responses: 6
Interviews: 4
Jobs offered: 1

yeah, i was offered a job! now, before anyone gets all excited, it's a part time freelance gig. it's not full-time, i don't get benefits, and there is no guarantee it'll last. so, i'm technically still unemployed. however, i'll be working for this place all day tomorrow, and hopefully that will be a good thing...i need to get to know the guy i'm doing the work for, and then find out if i can continue to work for him.

i've also picked up freelance work from my last job...i've been working on that the past couple of days. my boss there said that he needs me back, but due to a retarded policy of the parent company, no one who has been laid off can be rehired. he's going to talk with HIS boss about that though, so we'll see what happens there.

had a phone interview today with a place hiring for customer service. it's not graphic design, but it is full-time...although it's only seasonal. certainly better than nothing! scored a "real" interview on Thursday, so i apparently did well on the phone interview today. if i can get this job, PLUS work up the freelance stuff, i could be doing quite well financially very soon. of course, by "quite well" i mean i can pay my bills and not have a panic attack when i look at my savings account.

regardless, things are looking up. i'm happier and more hopeful. can't wait for things to go back to normal...and STAY that way!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day #29

yet again, i've slacked on the updates.

it's now been a month since i was laid off. my insurance is gone. i'm still unemployed.

Jobs applied to: 21
Responses: 4
Interviews: 2
Jobs offered: 0

as you can see, i have now been on 2 interviews...that second one was today. it was for a fashion design position at a hat company. i know i'm not a fashion designer, and i don't know diddly squat about hats (aside from the fact that they go on your head), but the man i spoke to said that mostly graphic designers were applying and that was ok. so i went for it. the interview went quite well, and lasted a long time. my only problem is that the job will most likely demand things from me that i'm not currently comfortable with. i am a soft spoken girl, but the job would require me to push products and be a salesperson, as well as do presentations for large groups. these things scare the bejeezus out of me. i'm not sure if the guy could tell that from the interview, but i suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

applied to a bunch more jobs today. most of them were sent to me by a friend of mine, since she was home sick (and apparently bored, haha). we'll see if anything new pops up.

finished redoing my portfolio site. it really needed a facelift, so that was good to get out of the way. i also decided to start paying for hosting so there will be no more stupid ads at the top of my site.

i've been keeping a check list of things i can do to keep busy. it was pretty long when i first made it, and now it's been whittled down pretty far. i need to make sure i always have something to do...even if i lose motivation and don't want to work on anything, at least there is something to go to when the motivation comes back. boredom will most certainly lead to feeling depressed, and we don't want that.

i've also been breaking my own rule about waking up at a decent time. shame on me, i know. had to wake up early today for the interview, but yesterday i didn't wake up til about noon. granted, we just had DST kick the clock forward an hour...but still.

i need nicer weather. i want to go outside and be distracted, but it's either rainy or cold out there.

i guess that's it for now. i'm out of things to talk about. i doubt i'll have anything interesting to talk about until i get a job.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day #23

I've skipped quite a few days this time. Sorry.

Nothing happened Friday...nothing job-related, anyhow. I made the day a social day and drove to a friend's house for the afternoon.

Monday was not a good day for me. I had decided to work on my portfolio website, since it's something that needs to be done. After a few hours of tinkering with that, I received an email from a friend I had contacted about a possible job. She replied that the one open position had been filled, but she'd look around and see if any other locations were hiring. Granted, it wasn't a graphic design job...but I'd gotten my hopes up for actually being employed with a decent wage, nice insurance, and something to fill my long days. Apparently, this was the straw that broke the camel's back, because I spent the rest of the afternoon crying. Then evening came, and I pretty much had a panic attack on the phone with my boyfriend. Poor guy...didn't even have any warning. Within seconds of me picking up his call, I was hyperventilating, crying, and just freaking out in general. He managed to calm me down after a couple hours of chatting, and I spent a few more hours staying up with a self-induced migraine and stomach ache.

Stress is so much fun.

Tuesday, I treated myself to some coffee and yogurt at the local coffee place since I knew I needed out of my apartment. Stayed there for about an hour, then came home and got to work. Finished up some logo comps for a freelancing project, and I worked on my site a little more. Then the amazing boyfriend came by to deliver an application, feed me pizza, and keep me company with a movie. (Tired of hearing about the boyfriend yet? Too bad. He's a big part of why I'm still sane.) No panic attacks, so Tuesday was a pretty good day.

That brings us to today...Wednesday. Another good day, even though I still don't have a job. Received an email from a former employer saying that they had been contacted by one of the places I'd applied to. I will be calling or emailing the place tomorrow to see if I can land an interview. The application I filled out from my boyfriend was hand-delivered by his manager to HR, so that's cool. Almost finished my website today, which was a triumph considering I had to teach myself how to use a javascript that would allow me to stylishly show off my work. Now I just have to finish getting the images of my work ready.

I haven't run out of things to work on yet, but sometimes I find I really don't want to do anything. It's very frustrating trying to keep myself motivated every day. I'm realizing that I could probably never work solely from home...I've never had a problem getting my work done at an actual job, but when I'm the only person around to tell me what to do, well, I just don't want to listen to myself.

Keep your fingers crossed that I will score an interview in the next couple days!