Monday, February 16, 2009

Day #7

So, here I am one week after being laid off. No job replies yet.

Woke up a little later than I had wanted to today, but that did not stop me from being productive. I saw that I had received a reply from the dentist I had emailed on Friday, and so I gave them a call and got myself two appointments made before my insurance runs out (the exam and xray, and then a hygiene appointment). Let's hope they don't discover anything too horrible, because my insurance will have run out by the time I can get in again to get stuff fixed. Also figured out hours for a few places I can go for glasses. I'm having the boyfriend come along as an eye wear judge and a cheerleader, because finding glasses that actually fit my little head and face is a lot harder that you might think. Anyhow, I now have all my appointments made.

I then contacted a DJ who was referred to me by a friend. We chatted briefly about what he wanted, and then decided he could email me any info necessary and I'd get started. So a little more freelance for me! I'm not making enough to pay the rent yet, but it certainly puts gas in the car and groceries on the table...or in the cabinet...whatever, you get my point.

Since I hadn't watched my netflix movie yet, I popped that in (Wall-E) and it took care of my afternoon. Returned that to the post office when I was finished, went grocery shopping ( only $27! and I got quite a few things, too), and then decided I needed to do at least one more design-related thing before calling it a night...

I had seen something on Twitter about a logo design contest. So, I checked it out, and found that I could win $200 for designing a logo. Actually, there were a bunch of other contests as I think I'll be frequenting that site ( I started playing with fonts, but got tired before really coming up with anything, so I'm typing up my blog here and then calling it a night.

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