Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day #9

Had my "interview" today.

Woke up at 7 a.m., ate breakfast, hopped in the shower, and then put together a version of my portfolio to put on a cd using iWeb. Printed out my resume and references, got dressed, and left the apartment at about 11:40.

Drove 45 minutes to get there in the rain and snow on roads I've never driven on. Walked in 15 minutes early (as planned), wet, hungry, and a bit stressed (not planned). Filled out an application and handed it in with my printed resume. Waited. Was asked to go into the office and talk.

I maybe said 10 words the whole "interview" (it was more of a screening/preliminary thing, and i knew this going in). The chick talked at me really effin' fast for 5 minutes, asked if I had any questions, and I was out the door again.

What. The. Hell.

I've NEVER heard anyone talk so fast in my life, and she was just determined to cram as much information into that five minutes as possible. I have no idea if they'll be calling me back, I don't even know if I want to work there. The salary was nice, but could I handle working with people that talk like they have coffee coming in through an IV? The job isn't even for design, which I figured going in, but I'm not sure if it would be a good job for me. But do I really have the luxury to be picky right now?

I don't know.

Plus, this morning, I got another email similar to the one that got me into my interview today from another place I'd applied to yesterday. Different company, but I'm sure it will be the same deal with the preliminary interview because a million billion people are trying to get in. No idea if I'll go for it.

I'm going to go have dinner and look at glasses with the boyfriend now. Hopefully I can calm the hell down.

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