Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Day #29

yet again, i've slacked on the updates.

it's now been a month since i was laid off. my insurance is gone. i'm still unemployed.

Jobs applied to: 21
Responses: 4
Interviews: 2
Jobs offered: 0

as you can see, i have now been on 2 interviews...that second one was today. it was for a fashion design position at a hat company. i know i'm not a fashion designer, and i don't know diddly squat about hats (aside from the fact that they go on your head), but the man i spoke to said that mostly graphic designers were applying and that was ok. so i went for it. the interview went quite well, and lasted a long time. my only problem is that the job will most likely demand things from me that i'm not currently comfortable with. i am a soft spoken girl, but the job would require me to push products and be a salesperson, as well as do presentations for large groups. these things scare the bejeezus out of me. i'm not sure if the guy could tell that from the interview, but i suppose we'll just have to wait and see what happens.

applied to a bunch more jobs today. most of them were sent to me by a friend of mine, since she was home sick (and apparently bored, haha). we'll see if anything new pops up.

finished redoing my portfolio site. it really needed a facelift, so that was good to get out of the way. i also decided to start paying for hosting so there will be no more stupid ads at the top of my site.

i've been keeping a check list of things i can do to keep busy. it was pretty long when i first made it, and now it's been whittled down pretty far. i need to make sure i always have something to do...even if i lose motivation and don't want to work on anything, at least there is something to go to when the motivation comes back. boredom will most certainly lead to feeling depressed, and we don't want that.

i've also been breaking my own rule about waking up at a decent time. shame on me, i know. had to wake up early today for the interview, but yesterday i didn't wake up til about noon. granted, we just had DST kick the clock forward an hour...but still.

i need nicer weather. i want to go outside and be distracted, but it's either rainy or cold out there.

i guess that's it for now. i'm out of things to talk about. i doubt i'll have anything interesting to talk about until i get a job.

1 comment:

  1. Hi

    We are Japan based software company looking for graphic designers. our requirements are

    Job Description
    • Good Creativity
    • Good knowledge of Illustrator, Coral draw, Dreamweaver and Photoshop
    • Able to work on electronic board for designing
    • Graduate in any background
    • 6 months -1 year experience
    • Japanese language ability, not required but a plus point
    • Passport should be ready for international visits

    if interested mail your CV at shincorporation.japan@gmail.com

    11 Dec 2010
