Monday, June 29, 2009

Day #140

As you may remember (or as you may read if you look back one entry), the last time I wrote I had just accepted two full-time (not graphic design) and one part-time (graphic design).

After working both jobs for the past few months, I am happy to announce that the part-time graphic design job officially became my full-time job, and today was the first day. The original full-time job is no longer employing me as I handed in my two weeks notice just over two weeks ago.

I have learned a lot during my stay at the non-design job, aside from the obvious of learning about the company and how to do the job I was hired for. One thing I learned is what it means to work someplace you know you aren't meant to be working at. I'm a graphic designer, and I have found that I become rather unhappy when working in a call center. Don't think I didn't appreciate having a job, or that the job was the worst thing was actually a rather easy job with good benefits, and the people I worked with were very awesome and nice. However, it wasn't graphic design and there was no creativity whatsoever, so I was never "satisfied".

I also learned that I am NOT cut out for customer service. I can handle the majority of the customers well enough, but it only took one exceptionally angry person to leave me crying at my desk. Embarrassing, stressful, and it happened more than once. For the love of cheese, people, don't take your frustrations out over the phone. Chances are, you're yelling at the wrong person and possibly ruining their day. Also, being yelled at just once gave me a case of anxiety before going in to work for a good week or two afterwards...and let me tell you, that much stress before a 10 hour day of work is not fun.

Regardless, I am no longer working there. As thankful I was to get that job, I am just as thankful to leave after discovering it wasn't really the job for me. I apologize to everyone who has had to deal with my complaining, stress, and tears. Believe me when I tell you, I had no idea it would be like that...however, I am completely thankful to the people who helped me get the job. I'd be living in a cardboard box behind the dumpster if I hadn't gotten the job, and while I didn't much enjoy my time there, I appreciate what was done to get me there and what I learned as well.

I am now looking forward to making everything I can of the new job. It's technically freelance, but it's full-time. I work for a person, not a corporation, and I like what I'm doing. It's relaxed, fun, and full of opportunities. This job also looks like it's going to last longer than a few months.

So now, on day one hundred and forty of The Unemployed Graphic Designer blog, I am a re-employed graphic designer. I do believe that brings an official end to this blog...

A few last words before I bring this to a close...
  • Don't let unemployment defeat you. Keep busy, keep happy, and keep looking!
  • Don't be afraid to take the unglamorous non-graphic design (or whatever your specialty is) job. Do what you have to, you can return to what you love when the economy gets back on it's feet.
  • Don't give up!
I think that just about wraps it up. I hope things turn around for everyone sooner rather than later...until then, goodbye and good luck!


  1. Great blog! Hope things are continuing to go well for you at your job!

  2. It's ironic that you commented on this just now. I'm currently in the process of looking for another job, as the one I had is having some trouble keeping me paid.

    Glad you enjoyed my blog... looks like it's going to start being updated again!
